viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

NIAID Funding News, January 8, 2015

NIAID Funding News, January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015, NIAID Funding News

Feature Articles

New Funding to Support Ebola Research You may have heard that NIAID will receive $238 million to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to Ebola domestically and internationally.” Read the full article.
NIAID Review and Committee Volunteers Have Our Gratitude Big thanks go out to all the volunteers who served on NIAID peer review committees, our advisory Council, or other such groups in FY 2014. Read the full article.

Opportunities and Resources

Small Businesses: Funding to Move Your Radiation or Nuclear Countermeasure From Concept to Development Do you have an observation or insight that could turn into a countermeasure for injuries resulting from a radiological or nuclear incident? Read the full article.
BAA Focuses on Therapies for Rare or Emerging Viral Diseases in Targeted Populations NIAID's Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) seeks proposals from offerors who can develop effective therapies or therapeutic strategies for rare and/or emerging viral diseases (non-HIV) in targeted patient populations. Read the full article.
Responding to a Contract Solicitation? Take Note We have a short—but important—message for anyone responding to a contract solicitation, such as a request for proposals or broad agency announcement. Read the full article.

In The News

New Policy on Late Applications If you are a principal investigator (PI) and have a valid reason for submitting your application late, check out NIH's newly harmonized policy on late applications, announced in a December 17, 2014, Guide notice. Read the full article.
Plan to Shorten SBIR/STTR Grant Cycle Takes Effect NIH is taking action to shorten the time period between application deadline and award issuance for small business grants.Read the full article.
News Briefs

Advice Corner

New Year's Resolutions for Investigators Best wishes for the new year! Are you looking for a few more resolutions? Here are our top five suggestions for 2015. Read the full article.
Reader Questions

New Funding Opportunities

See other announcements at NIAID Funding Opportunities List.
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