jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

CDC Hepatitis Updates: New Know Hepatitis B Video PSAs and Training Webinars available

CDC Hepatitis Updates: New Know Hepatitis B Video PSAs and Training Webinars available

Viral Hepatitis Updates from CDC  
New Know Hepatitis B Video PSAs now available These new 30 and 60 second video PSAs feature an overprotective father doing everything he can to make sure his son and family are protected. A narrator encourages parents like this father to also take care of themselves and get tested for Hepatitis B to protect their families. 1 in 12 Asian Americans has Hepatitis B, but most people infected don't know it. These videos are part of CDC's multi-lingual Know Hepatitis B campaign, conducted in partnership with Hep B United. Each PSA features English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Korean native speakers. http://www.cdc.gov/knowhepatitisb/materials.htm
Accomplishments of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator Initiative, 2008-2012 This evaluation report contains an overview of five years of accomplishments for the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Initiative. http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/Partners/PDFs/HepatitisPrevCoordInit2008-2012.pdf

New Webinars Available from the University of Alabama, Birmingham Training Institute 
Risks of Healthcare-associated Infections from Drug DiversionWhen prescription medicines are obtained or used illegally, it is called drug diversion. Addiction to prescription narcotics called opioids has reached epidemic proportions and is a major driver of drug diversion. This webpage focuses on diversion involving healthcare providers who steal controlled substances such as opioids for their own use and includes information on outbreaks, prevention resources, enforcement agencies, state health department reports and select publications.http://www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/drugdiversion/index.html  
Safe Healthcare Blog - http://blogs.cdc.gov/safehealthcare/

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