domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

Local Hepatic Therapies for Metastases to the Liver From Unresectable Colorectal Cancer - Research Review - Final | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program

Local Hepatic Therapies for Metastases to the Liver From Unresectable Colorectal Cancer - Research Review - Final | AHRQ Effective Health Care Program
Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

More Research Is Needed To Compare Therapies for Colorectal Cancer Metastasis to the Liver

Insufficient evidence exists to compare the effectiveness of local hepatic therapies for patients with liver metastases caused by colorectal cancer and for whom surgery is not an option.  The therapies described in the new AHRQ review that target the liver include ablation (destruction of tissue by heating or cooling), embolization (blocking blood vessels that feed the cancer), and radiotherapy (directed radiation to destroy cancer cells).  Extensive gaps in the research and the quality of available studies prevent researchers from comparing the effectiveness of these treatments and from determining their benefits or harms.  A patient registry may generate ideas for clinical trials that can further test the effectiveness of these therapies.  Select to access these findings in the full review, Local Hepatic Therapies for Metastases to the Liver from Unresectable Colorectal Cancer: Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness.

Research Review - Final – Dec. 11, 2012

Local Hepatic Therapies for Metastases to the Liver From Unresectable Colorectal Cancer


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